Quick CPU - Real time performance optimization and Sensor monitor (2024)

Quick CPU - Real time performance optimization and Sensor monitor (1)

Latest Version: 4.10.0 - Released: 5/17/2024

Quick CPU is a program that was designed to fine-tune and monitor important CPU and System parameters such as CPU Temperature (Package and Core Temp), CPU Performance, Power, Voltage, Current, Core Parking, Frequency Scaling, System Memory, Turbo Boost, C-States, Speed Shift FIVR Control as well as making other adjustments. Below you can find information about the way this application works and how to interpret application data and settings as well as modify and monitor other critical system parameters.

CPU Performance and power consumption

In the past, most computers were desktop machines designed primarily for delivering the best possible performance, with little consideration for technologies such as SpeedStep or Turbo Boost etc.

However, in today's world, power consumption sometimes outweighs performance concerns. With significant advancements in technology and evolving hardware expectations, CPUs now incorporate a variety of features such as TurboBoost, SpeedStep, Hyper-Threading, and individual core states to reduce power consumption and heat generation. While these advancements are generally positive, they can occasionally result in situations where end-users do not experience optimal performance when needed (referred to as delayed performance boosts). This can be attributed to numerous difficult-to-predict factors, including system state, CPU state, heat levels, and more. This application aims to help control such factors and minimize the impact of performance degradation whenever possible. Further details on many of the features mentioned above will be provided in the following description. If you are interested, please continue reading

If your system has Intel CPU code name Skylake or greater with HWP (Intel Speed Shift) enabled by default, please follow the link below to find out more about the performance adjustment details and differences Performance adjustment on HWP (Intel Speed Shift) enabled systems

CPU Core Parking

CPU Core parking is a feature that was introduced in Windows Server 2008 R2. The processor power management (PPM) engine and the scheduler work together to dynamically adjust the number of cores that are available to run threads. The PPM engine chooses a minimum number of cores for the threads that will be scheduled. Cores that are parked generally do not have any threads scheduled, and they will drop into very low power states when they are not processing interrupts, DPCs, or other strictly affinitized work. The remaining cores are responsible for the remainder of the workload. Core parking can potentially increase energy efficiency during lower usage.

The problem with Windows way of core parking is lack of flexibility, since by default you are given very few options for setting Core parking index on your machine

The functionality of this application allows you to control the activation or deactivation of CPU cores based on your personal requirements. Alternatively, you can choose to enable all cores continuously, as explained below. Moreover, you can now determine the status of specific cores by examining the CPU graph. Additionally, real-time information regarding enabled and parked cores is accessible in the CPU performance tab under 'Enabled cores' and 'Parked cores'. This information is continuously updated, eliminating the need to manually refresh to ascertain the current status.

Here's an example of how core parking actually works and the meaning of an index number:

Let's consider a CPU with a total of 6 cores (including logical cores), which represents 100% of our CPU power. Each core contributes approximately 17% of the total (100 / 6 = 16.6 ~ 17). For instance, suppose we want to ensure that 4 out of the 6 cores are never parked by the operating system (OS) regardless of the load. In this scenario, we set the threshold to 68% (17 * 4 = 68). This instructs the OS to park only 2 out of the 6 cores. If we set the threshold to 100%, we essentially inform the OS that none of our CPU cores should be parked, and they should operate continuously at full performance (refer to the pictures below). Conversely, setting the threshold to 0% or close to it allows the OS to park any number of cores (remember to press the "Apply" button after adjusting the threshold).


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Frequency scaling

CPU frequency scaling is a feature that enables the operating system to adjust the CPU frequency dynamically, aiming to match the processing power with the system's demands. This means the CPU performance is boosted when necessary or throttled to save energy when possible. Similar to Core Parking, the operating system dynamically scales the CPU frequency based on the system load. The control index for CPU frequency scaling operates similarly to Core Parking.

An important detail about frequency scaling is that even if you set the index to 100%, it will increase (and maintain) the frequency up to the CPU's base frequency level. However, it still utilizes dynamic scaling for any additional performance beyond the base frequency.

Basically Frequency scaling is a feature that controls how your computer's CPU adjusts its speed in response to different tasks. When your computer handles demanding tasks, it can temporarily increase its speed beyond the base frequency, a capability enhanced by perf boost technologies from Intel and AMD.


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Turbo boost

During normal system operation, the CPU in your system operates at a standard clock speed, indicating its overall performance. However, when heavy processing tasks are encountered, Turbo Boost comes into play, temporarily increasing the CPU clock frequency to handle the workload efficiently. By setting the TurboBoost index to its maximum value, the CPU strives to deliver performance exceeding the level corresponding to the processor's base frequency consistently.

Intel Turbo Boost and AMD Precision Boost (Turbo CORE on earlier versions) technologies are features designed to enhance processor performance when it's most needed, particularly during high system loads. Essentially, they dynamically increase the CPU operating frequency, thereby boosting performance in a non-deterministic manner

Intel Turbo Boost and AMD Precision Boost (Turbo CORE on earlier versions) technologies are features that allow processors to achieve additional performance when it is most useful (that is, at high system loads). Basically it raises CPU operating frequency (as well as performance) in a dynamic (non deterministic) way.

Here’s what Intel states about their turbo boost technology:

Intel® Turbo Boost Technology 2.01 accelerates processor and graphics performance for peak loads, automatically allowing processor cores to run faster than the rated operating frequency if they’re operating below power, current, and temperature specification limits. Whether the processor enters into Intel® Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 and the amount of time the processor spends in that state depends on the workload and operating environment.

Performance hint

The Performance index is an operating system feature that enables an end user to specify how much processor should favor energy savings over maximum performance. This feature was introduced in Windows 10 OS and is not available on earlier versions.

Power mode

Power Mode settings (Overlays) allow you to adjust how your system manages energy consumption and performance. You can choose from various modes such as Best battery life, Balanced, Max performance. These settings dynamically alter your system's behavior to either extend battery life, balance between performance and energy efficiency, or maximize performance depending on your current needs.

When Power Mode Control is Disabled

The combo box for selecting Power Mode is disabled (grayed out) in the following scenarios:

  • Legacy Power Plans: If you select a legacy power plan such as High Performance or Power Saver, which are designed to operate at fixed settings, the Power Mode control will be disabled.
  • OS Compatibility: If your operating system does not support Power Mode functionality, the Power mode control will also be disabled

Power Mode Selection is Reset to Balanced

If a selected power plan does not support Power Mode Overlays adjustments, the Power Mode setting will automatically reset to Balanced or no Overlay

C-State Residency (Intel)

Important: C-State Residency configuration settings are saved on the actual CPU (hardware registers). This is not an OS configuration. Please do it with caution.

Processor C-states represent idle power-saving states. During all C-states (except C0), the processor remains idle, meaning no instructions are being executed. C0 can be considered an idle power state where the core is actively executing instructions.

Core idle states - How It works

Each core has several idle states, such as C0, C1, C3, etc.

After all hardware threads supported by a core have executed the HALT instruction (which halts the CPU/unit until the next external interrupt is fired), the core transitions to the first non-idle state, C1. Once the core is in C1, the coprocessor's power management routine (distinct from the OS power manager) needs to determine whether it's beneficial to further shut down the core and transition it to the next C-state. In such cases, additional parts of the core are shut down, and power is gated.

On the images below (see aplication footer) you can observe the percentage of time CPU spends in the specific C-State supported by the CPU.

C0At least one hardware thread within the core is executing some task. In this state core stays active.
C1 All four hardware threads within the core finish their tasks. They all execute HALT instruction. At this point the core is clock-gated
C2Can also be considered as a transition state. Core clock is gated, Interrupts are not served.
C3Sometimes referred as a sleep state. In this state the processor might not be keeping its cache coherent, internal clock is off
C6 and upDeep power down state

Quick CPU - Real time performance optimization and Sensor monitor (7)

Quick CPU - Real time performance optimization and Sensor monitor (8)

Quick CPU - Real time performance optimization and Sensor monitor (9)


Power Plan Management

The following section will provide a short summary of features and functionality related to the Power Plan Management application form.

Power Plan Management consists of two main sections:

  • Power Plan Settings
  • Power Plan Management

Power Plan Settings Settings: this section lists all the settings that can be found in the selected power plan and provides the following features:

  • Modify Power Plan Settings
  • Setting search
  • Data Export
  • Data Aggregation
  • And more ...

Power Plan Management this section allows an end user to view and manage system power plans available on the computer, and provides the following features:

  • Activate Power Plan
  • Delete Power Plan
  • Import Power Plan
  • Export Power Plan
  • Reset All Plans
  • And more ...

For more information about Power Plan Management features please visit the following page: Windows Power Plan Management


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Advanced CPU Settings (INTEL)

All the features presented on the Advanced CPU Settings form are CPU dependent and will or will not be available depending on your CPU model. Another factor that can affect the availability of a particular setting is the fact that it’s not locked by your system BIOS

Remember that all of these settings are not OS settings and will be stored directly on your CPU hardware registers. With that being said, make sure you know what you are doing and proceed with caution.

For more information about all the features please visit the following pages:

  • Advanced CPU Settings
    • General Settings
    • Turbo Power Limits
    • Performance adjustment on Speed Shift enabled systems
    • Fully Integrated Voltage Regulator (FIVR Control)
    • Custom Profile Settings

Program Features

  • Per-core performance graph indicator
  • Real time counter to display number of active vs parked cores
  • CPU Core Parking settings
  • CPU Frequency Scaling settings
  • CPU Turbo Boost settings
  • Hardware sensors and adjustable settings
  • C-State Residency
  • Core Clock Frequency
  • CPU Utilization
  • CPU Temperature
  • CPU Power and Voltage
  • FIVR Control
  • System Power output
  • System Tray notification
  • Advanced system Power Plan management
  • Changes are applied on the fly. NO NEED TO RESTART

Application Charts

The Quick CPU application features several chart controls located on the right sides of the interface. These charts are organized into different panels based on their functionality. It's worth noting that all panels used for the application's charts are DOCKABLE. This means they can be rearranged, hidden, docked, undocked, floated, or hidden according to the user's preferences.


[ Click to enlarge ]

Essential CPU data chart panel

This chart control shows data for four different CPU indicators:

  • CPU Temperature
  • CPU Temperature for Distance To Tj Max (Available for Intel and AMD Ryzen CPUs)
  • CPU Load
  • CPU Clock Speed

The charts listed above have the following options:

  • Chart history: By default, the application stores 20 minutes of historic data for each chart indicator (Temperature, Distance to Tj Max, Load, Clock). You can access this data by scrolling the chart to the left using the scroll bar at the bottom of the chart control. The duration of historic data can be adjusted in the Options menu under CPU Chart Settings. Use the Maximum time range for historical data option to specify the number of minutes the chart will keep historic data accessible.
  • Chart zoom and visible data range: By default, users can view a one-minute range of real-time data for all indicators. However, the time window for real-time data can be adjusted (increased or decreased) by hovering over any of the chart indicators and using your mouse wheel or mouse pad to zoom in or out of the chart's visible data. Once you have selected the time frame for real-time data, you need to move the scroll bar at the bottom of the chart back to the far right position to see updates for data in real time.
  • Chart cross line indicator: Each chart has its own cross-line indicator to view the chart data value for a specific time. Hovering the mouse over one of the charts displays this indicator. However, if you wish to view combined data values for all the charts simultaneously, follow these steps: go to the Options menu, choose CPU Chart Settings, and set Combine charts cross line indicator to YES in General settings.

NOTE: that in order to see real time chart data, the chart scroll bar has to be moved to the very right position. When the scroll bar is located elsewhere (center position for example) the application will assume that you are accessing historical chart data.

CPU data distribution chart panel

This panel has several different charts. The visibility of each chart will depend on the CPU type.

Available Charts

  • Load distribution - shows how even is the utilization for each CPU core (utilized percentage of core’s total processing capacity).
  • Temperature distribution - shows how evenly CPU temperature is distributed among all the cores.
  • Clock distribution - shows how evenly CPU frequency is distributed among all the cores.
  • Power distribution - shows how evenly CPU power is distributed among all the cores.

Every chart control shows an average distribution data for each CPU core over the configurable time frame window which is 20 minutes by default (or less if the application has been running for less than 20 minutes).

Each bar on the chart represents a specific CPU core. The actual time frame window can be configured by going to: Options -> CPU chart settings -> Maximum time range for charts average data. For example if the time range is set to 5 minutes the application will be calculating average value for each CPU core for the last 5 minutes. Each chart supports hover-over option in order to view details

CPU workload delegation chart panel

This panel contains a CPU Workload Delegation chart, which displays the average workload for each CPU core over a configurable time frame window. By default, this window is set to 5 minutes (or less if the application has been running for less than 5 minutes). Using this chart, users can observe how the workload is distributed among different CPU cores by the operating system. It's important to note that this chart differs from the Load Distribution chart. While the Load Distribution chart shows the average core utilization (indicating what percentage of the total core processing capacity has been utilized), the CPU Workload Delegation chart illustrates the percentage of workload delegated to each CPU core by the operating system.

For more information about Application Charts and Chart Options please visit the following page: Application Charts and Chart Settings

Dockable Panels

Quick CPU - Real time performance optimization and Sensor monitor (13)

Quick CPU - Real time performance optimization and Sensor monitor (14)

Quick CPU - Real time performance optimization and Sensor monitor (15)


Starting from version some of the application functionality will be implemented using dockable panels. This feature will add more flexibility and viewing options to an end user. Each panel can be individually rearranged, hidden, visible, docked, auto-hidden or completely undocked from it’s parent form. By using a mouse an end user can drag each panel to a chosen position within the dockable area which will be highlighted by the application. Each panel has a set of controls on the top, similar to a normal window these controls can be used to close, dock/undock or auto hide the panel. Once the layout for one or more panels has been modified it will be saved on the application exit and restored back on application start, this option can be enabled or disabled by checking the following item: Panel menu -> Save panel layout on application exit. The original panel layout can be restored at any time by clicking on the Reset panel layout menu item under Panel menu. An end user can use a Panel visibility menu item under the Panel menu to view or set visibility options for each individual panel.

System Tray Notification

System tray notification dialog can be configured by going to: Options menu -> System tray notification settings

Depending on the system the following options are available:

  • Notification color: the color (there) of notification dialog
  • Auto hide seconds: specifies the number of seconds after which the dialog will be auto-hidden (unless it was pinned by the user)
  • Show TjMax distance sensor: adds the ability for supported platforms to show or hide distance to TjMax temperature from the notification area
  • Show power sensors: adds the ability for supported platforms to show or hide power sensors from the notification area
  • Show memory usage in %: shows available, used and committed memory in relative % value vs an actual value in GB
  • Show clean memory button: adds the ability to show/hide clean memory button from the system tray dialog
  • Show notification: adds the ability to completely Disable system tray notification

Quick CPU - Real time performance optimization and Sensor monitor (16)

Quick CPU - Real time performance optimization and Sensor monitor (17)

Quick CPU - Real time performance optimization and Sensor monitor (18)


P&E Core policy - Heterogeneous settings

Heterogeneous Power Plan settings can be used to provide guidance to the Windows scheduler and core parking subsystems regarding thread scheduling and core parking preferences in systems with Hybrid Core Architecture, featuring at least to different types of cores Performant (P) and Efficiency (E) cores. Quick CPU offers quick access to these settings from the main application form. These settings are also accessible via Quick CPU's dedicated Power Plan management interface. Read more ..

Reset application settings: Please follow the link below to get more information about resetting the application settings
Reset application settings


64 bit OS Installer:QuickCpuSetup-

32 bit OS installer:QuickCpuSetup-

Current version
Release date: 5/17/2024
Compiled for: .NET 4.6.1
Tested on platforms: Win7 x64-en SP 1, Win8 x64-en, Win8.1 x64-en, Win10 x64-en, Win11 x64-en
Send your suggestions to: [emailprotected]

Prerequisites: This application requires .NET Framework 4.6.1 to be installed on your machine. In case you don’t have it yet, you can download it from the Microsoft site:
.NET Framework 4.6.1 Web Installer

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CPU Temp NEW release

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Quick CPU - Real time performance optimization and Sensor monitor (19)

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Your support is extremely important to us. It helps us to continue developing and improving the application and providing you with the best possible experience. Your contribution helps us to dedicate more time and resources to adding new features, improving performance, and providing the best possible support for our users. In addition, your support will enable us to provide personalized and responsive assistance to our users, helping you to get the most out of our application. Your donation will go a long way!
CoderBag Team.

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Release history


Release versionRelease dateDownloadRelease notes 17, 2024 Download version (64 bit) - (32 bit)View release notes 23, 2024 Download version (64 bit) - (32 bit)View release notes 3, 2023 Download version (64 bit) - (32 bit)View release notes 19, 2023 Download version (64 bit) - (32 bit)View release notes 21, 2023 Download version (64 bit) - (32 bit)View release notes 20, 2023 Download version (64 bit) - (32 bit)View release notes 2, 2023 Download version (64 bit) - (32 bit)View release notes 25, 2022 Download version (64 bit) - (32 bit)View release notes 16, 2022 Download version (64 bit) - (32 bit)View release notes 17, 2022 Download version (64 bit) - (32 bit)View release notes 22, 2022 Download version (64 bit) - (32 bit)View release notes 15, 2022 Download version (64 bit) - (32 bit)View release notes 21, 2022 Download version (64 bit) - (32 bit)View release notes 7, 2022 Download version (64 bit) - (32 bit)View release notes 21, 2022 Download version (64 bit) - (32 bit)View release notes 9, 2022 Download version (64 bit) - (32 bit)View release notes
All versions Follow the link to access full release history Full release history
Quick CPU - Real time performance optimization and Sensor monitor (2024)


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.