Á á | How to Type Letter A with Spanish Accent (A Acute) - How to Type Anything (2024)

In this post, you’ll learn how to use some keyboard shortcuts to type the A with Spanish Accent letter. This character is officially known as A with Acute Accent (Á for uppercase, á for lowercase)

Using the methods I’m about to show you, you’ll be able to insert or type both the lowercase and uppercase A with Spanish Accent letters.

Before we begin, I’ll like to tell you that you may also use the button below to copy and paste the A with Spanish Accent symbol into your work for free.

However, if you just want to type this symbol on your keyboard, the actionable steps below will show you the way.

Related: Online Spanish Keyboard to type Spanish Letters and Symbols

Table of Contents

A with Spanish Accent Quick Guide [Á á]

To type the A with Spanish Accent symbol, press down the Alt key and type 0193 or 0225 (i.e., A with Acute Accent Alt Codes) using the numeric keypad, then let go of the Alt key. For Mac Users, press [Option]+[e] then a, on your keyboard.

These shortcuts can work on any software such as in your browser, MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, on both Windows and Mac.

The below table contains all the information you need to type the A with Spanish Accent Symbol on the keyboard for both Mac and Windows.

Symbol NameA with Acute Accent
CharactersÁ | á
Alt Code0193 | 0225
Windows ShortcutAlt + 0193 | Alt + 0225
Mac Shortcut[Option]+[e], a
Á á | How to Type Letter A with Spanish Accent (A Acute) - How to Type Anything (1)

The quick guide above provides some useful shortcuts and alt codes on how to type the A with Acute Accent symbols on both Windows and Mac.

For more details, below are some other methods you can also use to insert this symbol into your work, such as Word or Excel documents.

How to type A with Spanish Accent Symbol in Word/Excel

Microsoft Office provides several methods for typing Spanish A with Accent Symbol or inserting symbols that do not have dedicated keys on the keyboard.

In this section, I will make available for you five different methods you can use to type or insert the A with Acute Accent Sign on your PC, like in MS Office (i.e., Word, Excel, or PowerPoint) for both Mac and Windows users.

Without any further ado, let’s get started.

Using the A with Acute Accent Alt Code (For Windows Only)

The A with Spanish Accent alt code is0193 or 0225 for uppercase and lowercase, respectively.

Even though this Symbol has no dedicated key on the keyboard, you can still type it on the keyboard with the Alt code method. To do this, press and hold down the Alt key whilst pressing the A Spanish Alt code (i.e., 0193 for Uppercase or 0225 for lowercase) using the numeric keypad.

Á á | How to Type Letter A with Spanish Accent (A Acute) - How to Type Anything (2)

This method works on Windows only. And your keyboard must also have a numeric keypad.

Below is a break-down of the steps you can use to type the A with Acute Accent Sign on your Windows PC:

  • Place your insertion pointer where you need the symbol.
  • Press and hold one of the Alt keys on your keyboard.
  • Whilst holding on to the Alt key, press the Spanish A with Accent alt code (0193 or 0225). You must use the numeric keypad to type the alt code. If you are using a laptop without the numeric keypad, this method may not work for you. On some laptops, there’s a hidden numeric keypad which you can enable by pressingFn+NmLk on the keyboard.
  • Release the Alt key after typing the Alt code to insert the Symbol into your document.

This is how you may type this symbol in Word using the Alt Code method.

Using Shortcuts (Macand Windows)

For Mac users, the keyboard shortcut for the A with Spanish Accent Symbol is[OPTION] + [e], then a.

For Windows users, use the Alt Code method by pressing down the [Alt] key whilst typing the A Spanish alt code which is 0193 or 0225. You must use the numeric keypad to type the alt code. Also, ensure that your Num Lock key is turned on.

Below is a breakdown of the A with Spanish Accent shortcut for Mac:

  • First of all, place the insertion pointer where you need to type the symbol (Á á).
  • Now, on your keyboard, press [OPTION] + [e] simultaneously then press once on the ‘a’ letter key to insert the symbol.
Á á | How to Type Letter A with Spanish Accent (A Acute) - How to Type Anything (3)

Below is a breakdown of the A with Spanish Accent Symbol shortcut for Windows:

  • Place the insertion pointer at the desired location.
  • Press and hold down the Alt key
  • While pressing down the Alt key, type 0193 or 0225 using the numeric keypad to insert the symbol.
Á á | How to Type Letter A with Spanish Accent (A Acute) - How to Type Anything (4)

These are the steps you may use to type these letters with shortcuts.

Copy and Paste A with Spanish Accent

Another easy way to get the A with Spanish Accent Symbol on any PC is to use my favorite method: copy and paste.

All you have to do is to copy the symbol from somewhere like a web page or the character map for windows users, and head over to where you need the symbol (say in Word or Excel), then hit Ctrl+V to paste.

Below is the symbol for you to copy and paste into your Word document. Just select it and press Ctrl+C to copy, switch over to Microsoft Word, place your insertion pointer at the desired location, and press Ctrl+V to paste.



Alternatively, use the copy button at the beginning of this post.

For windows users, you may also use the following instructions to copy and paste these letters on the character map.

  • Click on theStartbutton and search for Character Map. The Character Map app will appear in the search results, click to open.
Á á | How to Type Letter A with Spanish Accent (A Acute) - How to Type Anything (5)
  • The Character Map dialog will appear. Click to check theAdvanced viewcheck-boxto expand the dialog box for more advanced options.
Á á | How to Type Letter A with Spanish Accent (A Acute) - How to Type Anything (6)
  • On the advanced view, type a with Spanish in the Search box.
  • You should now see the Spanish A with Accent Symbol on the character map dialog. If you can’t see it, then you should look through the library of symbols to spot it. When found, double click it to select. Alternatively, click on the Select button.
Á á | How to Type Letter A with Spanish Accent (A Acute) - How to Type Anything (7)
  • After you select the symbol by double-clicking it, it should appear in the Character to copy: field, then click on theCopybutton to copy the symbol.
  • Switch to your Microsoft Word or Excel document, place the insertion pointer at the desired location, and press Ctrl+V to paste.

This is how you may use the Character Map dialog to copy and paste any symbol on Windows PC.

Using insert Symbol dialog box (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

The insert symbol dialog box is a library of symbols from where you can insert any symbol into your Word document with just a couple of mouse clicks.

Obey the following steps to insert the A with Spanish Accent symbol in Word or Excel using the insert symbol dialog box.

  • Open your Word/Excel/PowerPoint document.
  • Click to place the insertion pointer where you wish to insert the symbol.
  • Go to the Insert tab.
Á á | How to Type Letter A with Spanish Accent (A Acute) - How to Type Anything (8)
  • In the Symbols category, click on the Symbol drop-down and select the More Symbols button.
Á á | How to Type Letter A with Spanish Accent (A Acute) - How to Type Anything (9)
  • The Symbol dialog box will appear. In theSubsetdrop-down list, select Latin-1 Supplement to display symbols in this category which includes the A with Spanish Accent Symbol.
  • Select the symbol and click on the Insert button. Alternatively, double click on the symbol to insert it into your Word document.
Á á | How to Type Letter A with Spanish Accent (A Acute) - How to Type Anything (10)
  • Close the dialog.

The symbol will then be inserted where you placed the insertion pointer.

These are the steps you may use to perform this task in Microsoft Word.


As you can see, there are several different methods you can use to type the A with Spanish Accent in Microsoft Word and other documents.

Using the shortcuts for both Windows and Mac makes the fastest option for this task. Shortcuts are always fast.

Thank you very much for reading this blog.

Thank you

Á á | How to Type Letter A with Spanish Accent (A Acute) - How to Type Anything (2024)


Á á | How to Type Letter A with Spanish Accent (A Acute) - How to Type Anything? ›

Press the vowel key you want to add an acute accent to (´) For example, pressing Option + e, and then pressing a will give you: á

How to type a with an accent in Spanish? ›

Press the vowel key you want to add an acute accent to (´) For example, pressing Option + e, and then pressing a will give you: á

How do you type an acute accent on a keyboard? ›

Acute accent (é): Press and hold the Control key (Ctrl) and the Apostrophe key (') near the Enter key together. Let go of the keys, then select the letter. Circumflex accent (û): Press and hold the Control key (Ctrl), the Shift key just above, and then tap 6 near the top row. Release the keys and pick your letter.

How do I type ó on my keyboard? ›

Example 1: To type the letter ó, hold down the Control key, then press the apostrophe key. Release both keys and type o. The accented letter should appear. Example 2: To type the letter Ó, hold down the Control key, then press the apostrophe key.

What are the keyboard shortcuts for Spanish accents? ›

PC: Typing accents in Microsoft Word:
áCtrl + (apostrophe) , aÁ
úCtrl + (apostrophe) , uÚ
üCtrl + Shift + (colon) , u
ñCtrl + Shift + ~ (tilde) , nÑ
¡Alt + Ctrl + Shift + ! (Press the 4 keys together)¿
3 more rows

How do you type this á? ›

To input the acute a á (0225), hold down the ALT key, type 0225 on the numeric keypad, then release the ALT key.

How do you type á on a computer? ›

Press Control + ', then the letter to add an acute accent.

Hold Control, then tap the apostrophe key. You can find the apostrophe next to the enter key. Release the keys. Then select the desired letter to accent.

What is the Alt code for the acute accent? ›

Alt+0225 = á

What is an example of an acute accent? ›

As with other diacritical marks, a number of (usually French) loanwords are sometimes spelled in English with an acute accent as used in the original language: these include attaché, blasé, canapé, cliché, communiqué, café, décor, déjà vu, détente, élite, entrée, exposé, mêlée, fiancé, fiancée, papier-mâché, passé, ...

How to type an acute accent on an iPhone? ›

Type Accents: iPhone / iPad

To type accents on an iPhone or iPad, press and hold the button for the unaccented letter for a moment. A list of accented letters will pop up for you to choose from. To type à or â, press and hold a, then choose. To type é, è, ê, or ë, press and hold e, then make your selection.

How do I enter special characters on my keyboard? ›

Use the right-hand Alt key in combination with the appropriate letter to get one of the more common combinations (for example, Alt+e will result in: é). Press the symbol you want to use and then the letter you want to use it with (for example, if you first press the ~ symbol and then the “n” key, you'll get: ñ).

How do you type Spanish accents in Word? ›

For acute accents (á, é, í, ó, ú), hold the right Alt key and type the corresponding vowel key (a, e, i, o, u). For the tilde (ñ), hold the right Alt key, press the "n" key, and release both keys. Then, type the desired vowel. For the diaeresis (ü), hold the right Alt key and type 0252 using the numeric keypad.

How do I get é on my keyboard? ›

Using the Alt Code
  1. Ensure your Num Lock is on.
  2. Hold down the Alt key.
  3. While holding the Alt key, type 0233 on the numeric keypad.
  4. Release the Alt key, and voilà, the é appears!
Dec 5, 2023

What is the shortcut for acute accent A? ›

Vowels with accents
Lowercase vowel with acute accentPress
2 more rows

How to do accents when typing? ›

For example, for è you would press Ctrl + ` , release and then type e. To type a lowercase character by using a key combination that includes the SHIFT key, hold down the CTRL+SHIFT+symbol keys simultaneously, and then release them before you type the letter.

What are the 3 accent rules in Spanish? ›

Aguda words that end in a vowel, “n” or “s” have an accent mark in the last syllable. Grave words that do not end in a vowel, “n” or “s” have an accent mark in the second-to-last syllable. Both esdrújula and sobresdrújula words always have an accent mark in the stressed syllable, regardless of the letter it ends in.

What is the difference between à and á in Spanish? ›

Spanish. In Spanish, á is an accented letter. There is no alphabetical or phonological difference between a and á; both sound like /a/, both are considered the same letter, and both have the same value in the Spanish alphabetical order. The accent indicates the stressed syllable in words with irregular stress patterns.

How do I type the symbol on a Spanish keyboard? ›

-Press and hold the right "Alt" key or the "AltGr" key depending on the keyboard. This key is located directly to the right of the Spacebar. -Press the "2" key or the "Q" key. The "2" key is used on keyboards that have the International Spanish language setup option.


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